The facilities of Green Center Santa Ana strong> were the scene, on June 30, of several workshops on topics of interest to all consumers of organic products strong> and in general for all people who want to improve their nutrition strong>, who are looking for healthy strong> alternatives in their diet and in their lives.
This activity started from the morning and extended until the afternoon, ending with a night reception with products strong> available in our organic supermarket strong> and with Belmar craft beers (produced in Monteverde, with water in the area); an excellent closing for a large day of sessions, where they were also given detoxifying strong> oils to the attendees.
Exhibitors touched on topics related to organic strong> and transgenic strong>, composting strong> and natural detoxification strong>, answered questions from attendees and chatted with them in their spare time between sessions.
Workshops of this type are not only important because of the personal interest that those who attend may have, but also because they share information that seeks to improve lifestyles as well as improve society. As the speaker Diana Salazar pointed out, when people seek to be more healthy strong> not only is it possible to improve their own health, this ends up benefiting the different ecosystems that surround people; When you consume organic products strong>, you are helping the environment.
Expert exhibitors in composting, organic agriculture, transgenic, toxicity and much more
Among the exhibitors of this day of workshops on food strong>, they were:
Mauricio Jimenez, founder Pejibaye Consulting
Mauricio gave us valuable advice to start and have a successful business. Among which we must emphasize that to found a company we must write a MANIFESTO, this will guide us in the process. Also from the beginning we must define our long-term goals and have three basic functions: the administrator, who makes reports and analyzes what is done, the technician, who is responsible for things being done well and the entrepreneur who has a Vision of the future. Finally, a piece of advice that we should not ignore is to ask for help from people we know and who are experts in topics or have experiences that may be useful to us. Trust their advice and put them into practice.
Gina Borrero, agronomist at Ecolur Compostaje
This promoter of the domestic composting strong> gave a talk on the management of biodegradable waste strong> in the country, showed practical alternatives available in the country and that can be worked from the homes to treat this waste. “From Ecolur, what we do is to empower families to manage the biodegradable waste strong> through composting, in this way we can help the environment, avoiding contamination with this waste that goes to waste. to landfills … “, explained Borrero.
Jaime E. García, agronomist and professor at UCR and UNED
García presented a talk on the GM food strong> and motivated the attendees to sign the national campaign to request the labeling of transgenic strong>. It was a critical talk about the cultivation of transgenic products strong>, pointing out the position of the WHO on the subject and talking about the risks to health of those who are accused of these products. “I am very grateful for the invitation that Green Center strong> made to me, and I think it’s a very good initiative to bring consumers to know what is behind what we consume and that has to do with our health, “said Garcia.
Juan José Paniagua, expert farmer in organic agriculture and associate member of Coopezarcero R.L
Paniagua is a well-known figure within the ambience of national organic agriculture strong>, with extensive experience in the field both at home and abroad. His talk was about soil microbiology, the mineralization of these and how to have a production rich in minerals and proteins, to take care of the health of consumers. For Paniagua, eating organically is a way to mineralize the body and prevent many ailments in the future.
Diana Salazar, biologist and yoga professor at Krama Escazú
In the talk shared with Daniela Silva, holistic nutritionist strong>, Salazar provided information on the problems arising from the use of agrochemicals, with specific cases occurring in Costa Rica, in addition to raising awareness about what people can do to improve the environment and show a list of the most contaminated food with agrochemicals. All this as an introduction to Silva, who finished the talk on the subject of the toxicity strong> and the natural forms of detoxification strong> , but this talk will be discussed in another note of this section.